Grama Sachivalayam Digital Assistant syllabus
part A: this part consists of General topics which will have total of 10 concepts. The topics fully covers 50 marks of the test. Part B: This is the technical part which whole of 12 subjects, These subjects covers major part marks which are 100 out of 150. These topics involve three streams of Engineering or Diploma courses, They are COMPUTER SCIENCE ELECTRICAL AND COMUNICATION ELECRICAL AND ELECTRONICS COMPUTER SCIENCE SUBJECTS: ELECTRICAL AND COMUNICATION: This part only consists of three subjects syllabus as fallows Electrical and Electronics: The subjects below are the subjects belong to Electrical and Electronics engineering contains three subjects as fallows About Books on Digital Assistant There are no perfect books available in the market, Even though there are some books which are available they are simply copy paste of previous data in the net and all and dedicated books are completely become rare. How to Prepare for Digital assitant: RS Tutorial Classes Provide good course ...